Product evaluation questionnaire template

Dear customer👋

Your opinion matters to us. Please take 5 minutes to give us your feedback which will help us improve quality of our products/services and make sure you're always left with a positive experience.

We truly appreciate your insight and your time.

1. Overall, how satisfied are you with the [product]?

(1 star = minimum satisfaction / 5 stars = maximum satisfaction)

2. Select the product that you have purchased most recently.

Select one answer

  • [Product 1]
  • [Product 2]
  • [Product 3]
  • [Product 4]

3. Where have you found out about the [product]?

Select one answer

  • Choose...
    • Choose...
    • Price comparison sites
    • Commercial (TV, radio, magazine)
    • Sales flyers
    • Website
    • Social networks (FB. YT, IG, Twitter etc.)
    • Reference from a colleague/friend
    • Previous experience
    • Other...

4. What motivated you to make the purchase?

Select one answer in each row

  • Very motivating
  • Rather motivating
  • Not motivating


  • Very motivating
  • Rather motivating
  • Not motivating


  • Very motivating
  • Rather motivating
  • Not motivating


  • Very motivating
  • Rather motivating
  • Not motivating

Variability / Convenience

  • Very motivating
  • Rather motivating
  • Not motivating

Ease of use

  • Very motivating
  • Rather motivating
  • Not motivating


  • Very motivating
  • Rather motivating
  • Not motivating


  • Very motivating
  • Rather motivating
  • Not motivating


  • Very motivating
  • Rather motivating
  • Not motivating

5. How often do you use the [product]?

Select one answer

  • Every day
  • Every week
  • Once per 2 weeks
  • Once per month

6. How easy do you find the [product] to use?

Select one answer

  • Very easy
  • Rather easy
  • Can't tell
  • Rather difficult
  • Very difficult

7. The product I've purchased is...

Express the level of your agreement within each product attribute to complete the above statement.

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree


  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

high quality

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree


  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree


  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

good value for money

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree


  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

well designed

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

easy to use

  • Definitely agree
  • Rather agree
  • Undecided / Can't tell
  • Rather disagree
  • Definitely disagree

8. Is there anything that can make the [product] any better?

All ideas and suggestions count.


9. Based on your current experience, will you purchase any of our products again?

Select one answer

  • Yes
  • Maybe
  • No
  • Can't tell

10. How likely is it that you would recommend the [product] to your colleague or friend?

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

Not at all likely

Extremely likely

Important: Use this survey section in cases of having insufficient resources to identify your customer.

In order to better understand you as a customer and ensure the best experience when interacting with our company, we kindly ask you to answer the following demographic questions.

11. What is your gender?

Select one answer

  • Male
  • Female
  • Prefer not to say

12. What is your age?

Select one answer

  • Under 15
  • 15 - 20
  • 21 - 30
  • 31 - 35
  • 36 - 40
  • 41 - 50
  • Over 50
  • Prefer not to say

13. What is your highest education degree you've earned?

Select one answer

  • Less than high school degree
  • Apprenticeship certificate
  • High school degree or equivalent
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Master's degree
  • Doctoral degree

14. What is your employment status?

Select one answer

  • Choose...
    • Choose...
    • Employed (full-time)
    • Employed (part-time)
    • Unemployed
    • Self-employed
    • Student
    • Retired

15. Which income group does your household fall under?

Select one answer

  • Less than $20.000 / year
  • $20.000 - $30.000 / year
  • $31.000 - $40.000 / year
  • $41.000 - $50.000 / year
  • $51.000 - $60.000 / year
  • Over $60.000 / year
Use template

Product evaluation survey

Popularity 3352 ×

Use the product evaluation questionnaire template. Ask customers about their needs, expectations. The overall strategy and partial steps will be better planned.

Use template

The survey sample is ideal for

  • designers,
  • marketing managers,
  • sales representatives.

The survey associated with user testing will provide you with valuable feedback on how the product will affect the customer, compare the strengths and weaknesses of similar competing products, and give you a unique opportunity to make adjustments to differentiate the product, adapt it to your preferred requirements and thus facilitate its market penetration. Track the success of your product and profile its image using evaluation questionnaire templates from Survio.

The questionnaire template can be fully edited. Survio will process your answers into well-arranged tables and graphs.

Survio is a survey software for everyone.

Survey templates make your start quick and smooth. Collect any feedback effortlessly.

What people say about us

Marketing manager, HR specialist and sales director sharing their experience with Survio.

Survey creation is straightforward and simple. Easy to navigate as a survey creator as well as a survey respondent. Quick to make unique surveys tailored to your and your company's purpose.

Linda W. Marketing manager

I've been able to design multiple surveys in just a few minutes. I'm particularly excited about the data collection, analysis, reporting & exporting capabilities, which are critical to my success as an HR.

Liam J. HR specialist

I highly recommend Survio as it is user-friendly and professional. It is definitely worth updating the free account to get more advanced features and make it an integral part of your workflow.

Edward G. Sales director

It’s not just a template. You’ll get the entire survey platform to collect desired data and understand them.

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  • Build a survey Easy-to-use survey editor, 100+ ready-made survey templates
  • Collect responses Mobile friendly, omnichannel collection, identity tracking
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