
Factors Hindering Access to Agricultural Subsidy Inputs Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


Do you currently have access to agricultural subsidy inputs?

Please select the option that best describes your current access to agricultural subsidy inputs.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the accessibility of agricultural subsidy inputs in your area?

Please rate the accessibility of agricultural subsidy inputs in your area.

What specific challenges do you face in accessing agricultural subsidy inputs?

Please provide details about the challenges you face in accessing agricultural subsidy inputs.

Are you aware of the application process for agricultural subsidy inputs?

Please select the option that best describes your awareness of the application process for agricultural subsidy inputs.

How would you rate the efficiency of the current distribution system for agricultural subsidy inputs?

Please rate the efficiency of the current distribution system for agricultural subsidy inputs.

Do you believe there is a need for improved government support in accessing agricultural subsidy inputs?

Please select the option that best reflects your opinion on the need for improved government support in accessing agricultural subsidy inputs.

Have you faced delays in receiving agricultural subsidy inputs in the past?

Please select the option that best applies to your experience with delays in receiving agricultural subsidy inputs.

What improvements would you suggest to enhance access to agricultural subsidy inputs?

Please provide your suggestions for enhancing access to agricultural subsidy inputs.

How knowledgeable are you about the available agricultural subsidy programs?

Please rate your knowledge level about the available agricultural subsidy programs.

Do you receive adequate information about agricultural subsidy programs in a timely manner?

Please select the option that best describes your experience with receiving information about agricultural subsidy programs.