
Opinions on Graffiti Survey

Many thanks for taking the time to complete this survey - it's extremely important for my EPQ project that I gather some opinion data on my topic, so I would appreciate it if you would answer the questions truthfully!

EPQ Survey - Graffiti

Do you consider graffiti to be vandalism, art, or self-expression?

Please select the option that best represents your opinion.

Rate graffiti on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of artistic value

Rate the artistry of graffiti on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high).

Share your thoughts on graffiti in a few words

Please provide your opinion or comments on graffiti.

Do you think graffiti enhances urban environments?

Please select yes or no.

How frequently do you encounter graffiti in your community?

Select the option that best describes the frequency of encountering graffiti.

Should there be more legal walls for graffiti artists to express themselves?

Share your opinion on providing legal spaces for graffiti.

Should graffiti be removed or preserved in public spaces?

Provide your opinion on the preservation of graffiti.

Please give a reason for your choice on the previous question


How does graffiti make you feel when you see it?

Select the option that best represents your emotional response to graffiti.

Do you believe graffiti can convey important social messages?

Share your thoughts on the communicative potential of graffiti.