
Axpo Response to ACER Consultation on "Voluntary Templates for PPAs"

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


Please state your name (for questions regarding your response)

ACER Consultation questions - Module A


Have you ever signed a PPA or are you currently in the process of negotiating a PPA?

Select one answer

What is the order of magnitude of energy contracted (bought and sold) through PPAs over all PPAs and added up over a year (estimated average or last year)?

[Question is targeted at total Axpo volume. You can skip this questions]

Have you ever used (e.g. applied it with minor/major changes, used only for educational purposes, etc.) an existing voluntary PPA template contract? Please recall the following: “existing voluntary templates” refer to the industries associations templates (e. g., EFET, ISDA), and national ones. Such templates are freely available to interested parties willing to enter a PPA agreement. “In-house templates” refer to those templates created and developed internally by companies and not available to the public.

Select one answer

Has the status (in terms of quality, availability, language, content, etc.) of existing voluntary templates acted as a major barrier for concluding a PPA?

Select one answer

How have you used an existing voluntary template PPA contract?

Select one or more answers

Why have you not used an existing voluntary template PPA contract?

Select one or more answers

If you chose "Other reasons, please specify." please specify here.

max 400 characters

ACER Consultation questions - Module B


You are kindly invited to state your position on the following statements:

Select one answer in each row

Based on your experience with the existing voluntary template(s), what do you believe is the most critical issue/difficulty and what mitigation strategy would you suggest to address it?

Select one answer

Please provide your written input

750 character(s) maximum

ACER Consultation questions - Module C


Is it possible to put in place a template contract which would enable easier trade of PPAs – in pursuit of better electricity market functioning and a smooth and rapid energy transition?

Select one answer

Is the lack of suitable current voluntary template PPA contracts on the market today a major barrier for further unlocking the PPA market?

Select one answer

Would you find beneficial, in terms of further unlocking the PPA market, to have additional voluntary template(s) developed by ACER together with the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs), after consulting the relevant stakeholders, taking into account the following: "(a) the use of those contract templates shall be voluntary for the contracting parties; (b) the contract templates shall, inter alia:(i) offer a variety of contract durations; (ii) provide a variety of price formulas; (iii) consider the offtaker’s load profile and the generator’s generation profile" ?

Select one answer

Since you believe that the status of existing voluntary templates does not constitute a barrier for further unlocking the PPA market, would you find it beneficial to have other actions, such as:

Select one or more answers

Please provide your input.

200 character(s) maximum

Please state your preference(s):

Select one or more answers

ACER Consultation questions - General Comments


You are kindly invited to share your views on the topic.

1250 character(s) maximum