
Charlcombe Community Nature Reserve

Hello and welcome to our survey. Please complete the following short questionnaire and let us know your views.

The Friends of Charlcombe Community Nature Reserve was set up early in 2024 to work in partnership with Bath and North East Somerset Council to manage two fields in Charlcombe Valley.

Accessible from Charlcombe Way via the newly installed kissing gate, the two fields take you to the brook in the Valley floor. We're now thinking about the future of the site and how we can improve it for nature and also make it more accessible to local people who'd like to connect with wildlife.

To help shape our thinking for a plan to care for and improve the site we'd love to hear your views and thoughts on the below questions.

If you have any pictures of the two fields that you like'd to share or any historical information about the Valley please do drop us an email via charlcombenature@gmail.com.

Your views: Charclombe Community Nature Reserve

What does Charlcombe Valley mean to you? Do you have any special memories of walking around the Valley or spending time here?


Over the next 10 years our focus will be on improving the Charlcombe Community Nature Reserve as a place wildlife can call home. It would be great to hear your views on what we could do in the two fields to help achieve this, for example, creating a small community orchard, planting trees, building a small pond.


Improving access to Charlcombe Community Nature Reserve and making it a place where local people can get closer to nature is at the heart of our plans. We'd like to create a programme of activities to help deliver this. We'd welcome your ideas on the type of activities that we could run for yourselves, your friends and family, from birdwatching for beginners to slow walks around the site to get closer to nature.


How often do you visit Charlcombe Valley?

Select one or more answers