
Women in STEM Survey

Hey! We're looking to conduct a survey to share with our network. We would be so grateful for your help! 

Let's talk benefits, barriers and personal experiences...

What is your name?

Let's talk benefits, barriers and personal experiences...

What are the five most important things for you when considering a new role?

Select one or more answers
Let's talk benefits, barriers and personal experiences...

What company benefits would you be interested in?

Select one or more answers
Let's talk benefits, barriers and personal experiences...

What are the key barriers you consider when applying for a new position?

Select one or more answers
Let's talk benefits, barriers and personal experiences...

Have you experienced prejudices and/or harassment in the workplace?

If you have, could you provide more information? (this will remain confidential)
Let's talk benefits, barriers and personal experiences...

What are your experiences of leadership barriers in STEM?

Let's talk benefits, barriers and personal experiences...

What do you think are the main obstacles preventing women from pursuing and succeeding in STEM careers?