
Survey Questions for Tourism and Hospitality Graduates

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.

Survey Questions for Tourism and Hospitality Graduates

Personal Information


Name and Contact Information (Optional)?


What is your age?

Select one or more answers

What is your gender?

Select one or more answers

Which institution did you graduate from?


What was your major or specialization within tourism and hospitality?

Select one or more answers

Academic Experience


How would you rate the overall quality of your tourism and hospitality program?

Select one or more answers

How satisfied were you with the practical training opportunities (internships, practicums) provided during your studies?

Select one or more answers

Did your program offer sufficient networking opportunities with industry professionals?

Select one or more answers

How relevant was the curriculum to the current trends and demands of the tourism and hospitality industry?

Select one or more answers

Professional Development


How prepared did you feel entering the workforce upon graduation?

Select one or more answers

Did you receive adequate career guidance and job placement support from your institution?

Select one or more answers

How important do you think it is to have a national association for tourism and hospitality students?

Select one or more answers

Interest in a National Association


What benefits do you think a national tourism and hospitality students association could offer? (Check all that apply)

Select one or more answers

Would you be interested in becoming a member of a national tourism and hospitality students association?

Select one or more answers

How much would you be willing to pay annually for membership in such an association?

Select one or more answers

What activities or services would you like to see provided by a national tourism and hospitality students association? (Check all that apply)

Select one or more answers

Additional Comments


Please share any additional comments or suggestions regarding your experience as a tourism and hospitality student or the potential establishment of a national association.

These questions aim to gather comprehensive feedback on the academic and professional experiences of tourism and hospitality graduates, as well as gauge their interest and expectations for a national students association.