
Birthday attendance survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


Are you planning to attend the birthday party?

Select whether you will attend the party or not

How would you rate your excitement for the birthday party?

Rate your excitement on a scale from 1 to 10

Please share any special dietary restrictions you may have

Provide details about your dietary restrictions

What gift would you like to bring for the birthday person?

Specify the gift you plan to bring

Do you have any song requests for the birthday party playlist?

Share any music requests you have for the party

Will you be bringing a plus one to the birthday party?

Indicate whether you will have a guest accompanying you

Would you like to participate in a group activity at the birthday party?

Let us know if you are interested in group activities

What time would you prefer the birthday party to start?

Suggest a preferred start time for the party

How likely are you to stay until the end of the birthday party?

Indicate your likelihood of staying until the party concludes

Any additional comments or special requests for the birthday party organizers?

Feel free to share any extra feedback or requests