Electrolysis system test procedure

To Whom It May Concern,

We are a research team at the Montanuniversität Leoben and are conducting a study on electrolysis system testing procedures to understand industry-wide practices. Everyone is invited to participate in the survey. Your answers will be anonymised and treated confidentially to validate the following 8 hypotheses:

1) Companies that are active in production or operation of electrolyser systems have the testing mostly carried out by external partners.

2) Companies invested in PEM technology test primarily to ensure stability during rapid load changes in the power grid as well as high product quality.

3) Companies invested in AEL or SOEC technology test primarily to ensure long term stability and low Total Cost of Ownership.

4) Small companies spend less of their R&D budget on electrolyser testing than big companies.


5) Future expenses for european companies will increase significantly due to stricter regulations, while they will only increase moderately for american companies.

6) Companies that are active in engineering mainly test cell components, cells or stacks rather than the complete electrolyser system.

7) Companies that are active in production or operation of electrolyser systems mainly test on a system or Balance of Plant level.

8) The trend in electrolysis systems in Europe is towards PEM, in Asia towards AEL and in America both technologies are strongly represented.

Thank you for participating in our research project. We will send you the consolidated results of this survey in the next few weeks.

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