
Investment Preferences Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.

NO of Questions: 15

PS: The Information Provided by you in this survey is safe and secured and will be kept in our database for research purposes only and will not be used for any other purposes.

Investment Survey

What is the main reason you do not invest in stocks, bonds, and ETFs?

Select the option that best reflects your reason for not investing.

Rate your interest in investing in stocks, bonds, and ETFs on a scale of 1 to 10

Indicate your level of interest where 1 is not interested at all and 10 is very interested.

Describe any challenges you have faced in trying to invest in stocks, bonds, and ETFs

Provide NA if you have not invested in stocks

Have you sought advice from a financial advisor regarding investing in stocks, bonds, and ETFs?

Select yes or no based on whether you consulted a financial advisor for investment guidance.

If you have ever invested in stocks, bonds, or ETFs, what was your onboarding experience like?

Provide NA if you have not invested in stocks

On a scale of 1 to 10, how well where you able to track your portfolio ?


Which investment platform do you currently use or prefer for trading stocks, bonds, or ETFs?

Provide NA if you have not invested in stocks

What are the features that you wished they had, that could help better your experience ?

Provide NA if you have not invested in stocks

How often do you engage in trading the stock market

Select one answer

What information or group of informations do you think is crucial when considering investments in stocks, bonds, and ETFs?

Provide NA if you have not invested in stocks

Do you believe investing in stocks, bonds, and ETFs is important for long-term financial goals?

Reflect on the significance of these investment instruments in achieving your financial objectives.

How comfortable are you with taking risks in your investments?

Indicate your comfort level with risk-taking in investment activities.

What age group do you fall under

Select one answer

What is your gender

Select one answer

What Country and state do you reside in

Please indicate this answer in this format State/Country
Investment Survey

Please Let Know Your experience with our Survey, from 1 been Very bad to 10 been Excellent

Thank You For Your Time

We Really appreciate you for filling out this survey. Again we will not disclose your information to any third party, this information will be used for our research purposes only.