
Go-Talent agents feedback

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.

Go-Talent Agents

What is your age?

Select one or more answers
Go-Talent Agents

What is your exact job title?


Are you self-employed or do you work for a company?

Select one or more answers
Go-Talent Agents

What is the name of the company you work for?

Go-Talent Agents

How many employees does the company you represent have?

Select one or more answers
Go-Talent Agents

How many times a year do you search for candidates for productions in the entertainment industry?

Select one or more answers
Go-Talent Agents

What is your biggest professional challenge when recruiting new candidates?

Examples: There are incredibly many requirements and rules, I have difficulty finding very relevant candidates, or there are too many unqualified candidates who waste my time – etc.
Go-Talent Agents

What tools do you use to address your biggest challenge?

Offline and online services such as Google Sheets, own CMS system, LinkedIn Recruiter, etc.
Go-Talent Agents

What services do you use when recruiting new candidates?

Example: I mostly use social media such as Facebook groups, or I always use an local external agency.
Go-Talent Agents

Which software or service is most important to you when recruiting new candidates?

Choose one favorite.
Go-Talent Agents

What made you decide to try Go-Talent services?

What specific need led you to agree to have your listing published on Go-Talent? For example, I thought I could save time, it was free of charge, I couldn’t find any service that could help me online. etc.
Go-Talent Agents

Could you consider upgrading to a paid Go-talent solution for future productions?

For example, for a specific feature, access to phone numbers and emails, faster access to profiles, easier organization of profiles, etc.
Go-Talent Agents

Where do you archive and store your candidates for future productions?

Example: Excel sheets, your own website, or elsewhere?
Go-Talent Agents

Which platform ( Not Social media platform) do you think is the most widely used recruitment software in the entertainment industry?

Go-Talent Agents

If you use social media for recruitment, which platforms do you use?

Please answer in order of priority.
Go-Talent Agents

What is the best thing about Go-talent?

Go-Talent Agents

What is the worst thing about Go-talent?

Go-Talent Agents

Is there anything else you think we should know?

Go-Talent Agents

We’d like to send you a special gift as a thank you. Please provide your full name, address, postal code, city, e-mail and phone number so we can contact you if there are any delivery issues

Your information will be deleted once this survey process is completed. We will not contact you regarding marketing or other matters that are not relevant to this survey. All questions must be answered before the gift delivery is activated :)