
Digital Marketing Impact Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


What are the key digital marketing strategies utilized by businesses for global market expansion?

Please select the main digital marketing strategies that businesses use for global market expansion.

How effective do you think different digital marketing channels are for global market expansion?

Rate the effectiveness and efficiency of different digital marketing channels on a scale from 1 to 10.

Are there any specific challenges faced by businesses when using digital marketing for global market expansion?

Please provide details on the challenges businesses face when utilizing digital marketing for global market expansion.

Which specific social media platforms do you believe are most effective for global market expansion?

Select the social media platforms that you think are most effective for businesses to expand globally.

How important do you consider customer engagement in digital marketing for global market expansion?

Please rate the importance of customer engagement in digital marketing for expanding into global markets.

In your opinion, what role does content marketing play in the global market expansion of businesses?

Share your views on the significance of content marketing in helping businesses expand into global markets.

Do you believe email marketing is still an effective strategy for global market expansion?

Share your thoughts on the effectiveness of email marketing as a strategy for businesses to expand globally.

How would you rate the impact of influencer marketing on global market expansion?

Provide your rating on how influential you think influencer marketing is in helping businesses expand globally.

Which digital marketing channel do you believe has the highest return on investment (ROI) for global market expansion?

Select the digital marketing channel that, in your opinion, provides the highest return on investment for businesses expanding globally.

How important do you think it is for businesses to adapt their digital marketing strategies for different global markets?

Please rate the importance of tailoring digital marketing strategies to suit the specific needs of different global markets.