Electric Vehicles


The objective of this interview lies in gathering insights and information regarding perceptions of and attitudes toward electric vehicles. The topic of electric vehicles has been rising in popularity and controversy over the last two decades. Furthermore, global awareness and concern about climate change are rising progressively. Hence, our team decided to conduct research in these fields in order to gain an understanding of how electric vehicles, with regard to their environmental impact, driving experience, and affordability are perceived to acquire knowledge in factors influencing the view of electric vehicles. The interviewers, who simultaneously represent the research team, are all students at the University of Groningen, the institution that supervises this project. Our group consists of the group members Nandagopal Sunil, Kay Kawous Tehrani, Tulga Tschimedbalshir, Thijs van Groningen, and Wenshi Zhou. 

In total, the interview includes 13 questions that are based on three major topics and their respective subtopics. The three major topics are Environmental impact and sustainability, Driving experience and satisfaction, and Affordability and cost savings. As we are interested in overall perceptions without a particular focus group, we aim to interview other students but also people of diverse age groups. Our aim is for the respondents to answer the questions with honesty and based on their own experiences and thoughts. The responses and our consequent analysis will be used to create a final report on how electric vehicles are perceived. We expect the interview to take between 20 and 40 minutes. For the purpose of comparability and the most accurate and appropriate evaluation of the interview responses, we would like to record the interview and use the recording until the project is finished. The only people with access to the recordings are the previously mentioned group members. Depending on the individual’s preferences, the interview may either be conducted regularly or anonymously.

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