
Omestay Catering Service 🥘

Helloo Omestay. We are Ubuntu Meals and we're all about making life easier and tastier for you busy folks. Why we have created this survey is because we're considering whipping up some home-cooked meals just for you, tailored for you. Ubuntu is about community and togetherness, so in the spirit of it, our home kitchen will provide you with an outstanding meal experience that you can all share!

We know how hectic life can get, so we're wondering: Would you be interested in having delicious, homemade meals delivered straight to your door? We're talking about mouthwatering dishes cooked with genuine care and concern.

Your opinion means the world to us. By sharing your thoughts in this quick survey, you're not only helping us out but also ensuring that your potential dining experience is exactly what you crave.

We only need 5 minutes of your time, so take a seat and lets talk food! :)


Do you enjoy home-cooked meals?

Please select the option that best represents your preference.

If you are someone who cooks, how often do you cook for yourself?

Select one answer

Do you have the time to cook for yourself?

Please tell us how you do or how not.

What other alternatives do you go to if you don't or are unable to cook?

Please choose the option that applies to you.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is the convenience of your meals to you?

Please rate the importance with 1 being not important and 10 being very important.

Would you be interested in a meal service provided in your residence?

Please select the option that best describes your interest.

What meal times are most important to you if they were to be cooked for you?

Please select all that apply.

How many times a week would you want to be cooked for?

Select one answer

Are you open to trying new recipes and foods?

Please select the option that best describes your openness.

How much are you willing to pay for cooked meals?

In CHF of course ;)