Intramural Needs Assessment Survey

Hello and good morning, my name is Aaron and I’m part of a group/class in the PLF (Recreation & Fitness Leadership) class that runs intramurals for lunchtime in spirit week. I’m here to bring up daily activities during lunchtime for spirit week to get everyone active and fun without any pressure, injuries or competition. There is a needs assessment survey for you to see and to gather information for the intramural we’ll be doing better to improve and what activities to do. We need many students to be active so we can have fun activities that everyone can participate in and enjoy. This will be a good opportunity for SMT organization to be more fun and active so students won’t feel bored in this school at all. There are many different activities that will be brought up in spirit week so don’t miss out. The survey will only take you a few minutes to finish and be honest for your responses. The spirit week for this year will be more fun and better in the trust we will be doing to make it right for SMT. Take your time to do the survey. 

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