
Survey live streams ClubNow

Dear respondent,

We are three students from Hotelschool The Hague in Amsterdam, currently enrolled in an entrepreneurship class. As part of our project, we are conducting a survey to explore the potential interest in a new app concept. This app ClubNow, aims to live stream events from clubs in Amsterdam, providing a unique live stream experience for users. your help with this survey will provide us with insights and will help us to see if there is a demand for such an app.

Kind regards,

Cara, Michiel and Matthijs

Survey ClubNow

How often per week do you visit clubs in Amsterdam?

Select one answer

How interested are you in watching live streams of events and performances inside clubs?

Select one answer

What features would you find most valuable in a club live streaming app? (Select all that apply)

Select one or more answers

What type of content would you prefer to see in the live streams?

Select one or more answers

How likely are you to use a live streaming app to check out the clubs before visiting them in person?

Select one answer

Would you be interested in additional features such as purchasing tickets for the night or later events during the livestream for the same price?

Select one answer

If you would make use of Club now in Amsterdam, would you be interested in using it outside of Amsterdam to decide where to go out?

Select one answer

Do you think a live streaming app for clubs in Amsterdam would enhance your overall clubbing experience?

Select one answer

What is the maximum amount you are willing to pay for a Premium account per month? for instance early ticket access, exclusive events, priority entrance at the club.

Select one answer

Would choose a club with positive livestream feedback over a Club with no feedback at all?

Select one answer

Would you make use of the possibility to buy tickets for events and clubs through links in the app?

Select one answer

To what extent would you worry about your privacy when being in the live stream of the clubs? (note that in the livestream faces will be made unrecognizable).

Select one answer

What is your age?

Select one answer

What is your nationality?

Select one answer

In addition, what kind of extra features or insights would you want to see come back in the app?