
Measuring gender differences in politics

The following survey is going to be used in a study completed by Maisan Webb at the University of Essex. The purpose of this survey is to determine to what extent men and women in the UK (between the ages of 20-25) are interested in and engage with politics, and whether or not gender is a determining factor of this.

This survey will consist of 9 questions, some being multiple choice and some being open-ended. This survey will take around 5 minutes to complete. Please do not leave any sections blank, if a question is not applicable to you, please state as such.

All participants will be kept anonymous; however the collected results will be used in a dissertation which may be published. During the process of said study, only the researcher will have access to the results, which will otherwise be stored on secure, password-protected cloud storage.

As my study will take place online in the form of a questionnaire, informed consent will be given by completing and submitting the questions.

By completing and submitting this survey you agree to the following:

1)       I willingly agree to participate in this study.

2)       This agreement has been given voluntarily, and without any form of coercion.

3)       I understand I can withdraw from the study at any point, up until the submission of the survey.

4)       I understand who to contact if I have any queries or complaints.

5)       I understand that once I have completed and submitted this survey, this cannot be undone, and results will be used.

6)       I understand that the answers I give will be analysed and used in a study others will have access to.

7)       I understand that my anonymised data will be used for a dissertation project.

8)       I have read and understood the participant information sheet, given prior to this survey.

9)       I understand that by submitting the survey, I am consenting to participate.


Please state your gender.

Select one or more answers

How often do you consume political content?

Please select on answer.

How likely are you to vote in an upcoming election?

Select one or more answers

Have you ever participated in any form of political activism, such as protesting, boycotts, online petitions, or strikes?

Please select one (or more) answers.

How satisfied are you with the current political system in your country?

Please select one answer.

On average, how frequently would you say you engage in discussions about politics with others?

Please select one answer.

How would you typically obtain information about political candidates during elections?

Please select one (or more) answers.

Are there any particular factors which discourage you from being more politically active?

Please write 'yes' or 'no' in the box below. If 'yes', please specify which factors.

In your opinion, what are the most pressing political issues facing your country today?

If you are unsure or have no answer, please write 'n/a' in the box below.

What political issues do you feel most passionate about and why?

If you are unsure or have no answer, please write 'n/a' in the box below.

Please note, that by submitting this survey, you are consenting to participate in this study. If you no longer wish to participate, please close the window before submission.

Please select one answer.