
Compliance of Health Care Professionals to Standard Practice of Hand Scrubbing

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


Do you always wash your hands before and after patient contact?

Please select the option that best describes your hand washing practices.

Rate your adherence to hand scrubbing protocol on a scale of 1 to 10.

Please rate your adherence to the hand scrubbing protocol, where 1 is very poor adherence and 10 is excellent adherence.

Do you face any challenges in maintaining hand hygiene practices?

Please describe any challenges you face in maintaining hand hygiene practices.

Are you aware of the recommended duration for hand scrubbing?

Please indicate whether you are aware of the recommended duration for hand scrubbing.

Rate the accessibility of hand scrubbing stations in your workplace on a scale of 1 to 5.

Please rate the accessibility of hand scrubbing stations, where 1 is very poor accessibility and 5 is excellent accessibility.

Do you use hand sanitizer in addition to hand washing?

Please indicate whether you use hand sanitizer in addition to hand washing.

How often do you attend hand hygiene training sessions?

Please select how frequently you attend hand hygiene training sessions.

Do you believe that proper hand scrubbing practices are important in preventing infections?

Please state your beliefs regarding the importance of hand scrubbing practices in infection prevention.

Share any suggestions you have for improving hand hygiene compliance in the workplace.

Please share any suggestions or feedback you have for improving hand hygiene compliance in the workplace.

Have you ever received feedback on your hand hygiene practices?

Please indicate whether you have ever received feedback on your hand hygiene practices.