
Forest Floor Product Survey

Forest Floor is a Market Day enterprise idea by Tane Holt, Marco Frizzell, and Bronzen Kemp. On Market Day we are planning to sell wooden serving trays and handmade butter knives. We are requesting you to take a small amount of time to fill out this survey so that we can make informed decisions.

Handcrafted quality butter knives.

One of the products we are hoping to be selling on Market Day are these amazing handcrafted butterknives with either wooden or deer antler handles these are perfect for your kitchen


How much would you be willing to pay for a quality butter knife

Select one answer

Would you prefer wooden or deer antler handles for the butter knives.

Select one answer

Handcrafted logo imprinted quality serving trays.

Brillant handcra


How much would you be willing to pay for a quality serving tray

Select one answer

What do you consider important in a serving tray, e.g. handles, sides

Please write below

Would you be interested in a pre-order

Select one answer

If you answered yes to the pre-order option please leave your email so that we can get in touch with you

Thank you for taking your time to fill out this survey come see us on Market Day, Wednesday September the 25th see you there.