
Basingstoke Town Centre

Please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire. 

I am a Masters Student studying at UCL but lives locally, who is looking to find out who uses the Town Centre and how people interact with the space.

Basingstoke Town Centre

General Information (This information will be kept confidential) 


How old are you?

Select one answer

What is your gender?

Select one answer

What is your postcode?


What is your current religion, if any?

Select one answer

What is your sexual orientation?

Select one answer
Basingstoke Town Centre

General Use 


How often do you visit Basingstoke Town Centre?

Select one answer

Where do you focus your time when visiting the Town Centre

Select one answer

How do you travel to the Town Centre

Select one or more answers

How easy is it for you to access the Town Centre?

Select one answer

In your opinion, how could the town centre be more accessible? (e.g. More walking routes)


What is your main reason for visiting the Town Centre?

Select one answer

What services do you use in the Town Centre? Tick all that apply.

Select one or more answers

What services, if any, do you think are missing from the Town Centre?


"Basingstoke has something for everyone no matter their age" How much do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Select one answer

If any, which age groups do you believe are missed?


Do you believe the services provided within the Town Centre cater for: (Tick all that apply)

Select one or more answers

Do you believe the Town Centre is accessible for people with mobility issues or disabilities?

Select one answer

Please explain why or why not you think the Town Centre is accessible for people with mobility issues or disabilities?

Basingstoke Town Centre

Consultation from the Council 

In December 2022 Basingstoke Town Centre Strategy was approved, which provides a future vision and a masterplan for the area. I want to understand how the people that use this space were consulted.


Were you consulted when the Basingstoke Town Centre Strategy was being created?

Select one answer

If you were consulted, how were you consulted? (e.g. through email, letter or groups)


In your opinion, should the council do more to consult with more local people and visitors regarding the future strategy for the Town Centre?

Select one answer

Do you believe that the Council listens to the needs and wants of the local residents and users of the Town Centre?

Select one answer

Please explain your answer from the previous question.

Do you believe that the Council listens to the needs and wants of the local residents and users of the Town Centre?

Do you have any further comments regarding the consolation process of the Town Centre Strategy?

Basingstoke Town Centre

Thank you for completing this survey. If at any point you want to withdraw your answers from my research or want to discuss this further through an interview please email me at ucbvcrs@ucl.ac.uk