
Survey on Microentrepreneurs' Use of Digital Marketing

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.

Marketing Digital

Do you use social media for your business?

Choose the option that best represents your situation.

Rate your knowledge of digital marketing from 1 to 10

Rate your knowledge using a scale from 1 to 10.

What digital marketing strategies have you used?

List the strategies you have employed so far.

How important do you consider social media marketing for your business?

Select the option that best matches your opinion.

Have you ever run a paid advertising campaign online?

Choose the response that applies to you.

What challenges have you faced in implementing digital marketing?

Describe the difficulties you have encountered.

On average, how often do you post on social media?

Indicate the frequency of your social media posts.

What is your preferred social media platform for business?

Choose the platform that you prefer to use.

How do you measure the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts?

Explain the methods you use to evaluate the success of your marketing activities.

Are you planning to invest more in digital marketing in the future?

Select your intention regarding future investments in digital marketing.
Marketing Digital