Survey on Burnout Syndrome Among High School Teachers
Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.
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Have you ever observed a teacher whom you believed suffered from burnout syndrome?
Please select one option that best describes your experience.
Not sure
On a scale from 1 to 10, how severe do you think the burnout syndrome was in the teacher you observed?
Please rate the severity of burnout syndrome observed in the teacher.
In what ways did the burnout syndrome manifest in the teacher's behavior/teaching?
Please provide detailed explanation in the text box below.
Do you think the teacher's burnout syndrome affected your learning experience and academic performance?
Please select one option that best reflects your opinion.
Yes, it significantly affected me
Yes, but it had minor impact
No, it did not affect me
Were there any specific challenges or obstacles you faced due to the teacher's burnout syndrome?
Please describe any difficulties you encountered as a result of the teacher's burnout syndrome.
How do you think the school administration should support teachers to prevent burnout syndrome?
Provide your suggestions in the space below.
Did you notice any changes in the teacher's performance over time that indicated burnout syndrome?
Please select one option based on your observations.
Yes, the performance declined
No, performance remained consistent
Not applicable/Not sure
How do you think burnout syndrome impacts the overall school environment?
Share your views in the text box below.
Have you ever received support or guidance on how to deal with academic stress or teacher-related challenges?
Please select one option regarding the support you have received.
Yes, I received support
No, I did not receive support
I prefer not to say
Do you believe that awareness and education on burnout syndrome should be included in teacher training programs?
Choose an option that aligns with your perspective.
Yes, it should be included
No, it is not necessary
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