
Dairy Farms Selling Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


How often do you purchase products for your dairy farm?

Please select how frequently you buy products for your farm.

Rate your satisfaction with the current products you purchase for your dairy farm.

Please rate your satisfaction with the products on a scale of 1 to 10.

What improvements would you like to see in the products offered for dairy farms?

Please provide your feedback on the improvements you desire.

Are there any specific brands you prefer for purchasing dairy farm products?

Please mention any specific brands you prefer.

Do you prioritize organic products for your dairy farm?

Please indicate if you prioritize purchasing organic products.

How likely are you to recommend our products to other dairy farm owners?

Please indicate how likely you are to recommend our products.

What factors influence your decision to purchase products for your dairy farm?

Please provide insights on the factors that impact your purchasing decisions.

Do you participate in any loyalty programs for purchasing dairy farm products?

Please indicate if you engage in loyalty programs.

How knowledgeable do you consider yourself about dairy farm products?

Please rate your knowledge level on a scale of 1 to 10.

Would you be interested in receiving updates on new products and promotions for dairy farms?

Please indicate your interest in receiving updates.