Impact of Automation and AI on Job Security Survey
Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.
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Are you currently employed in an industry that has adopted automation or artificial intelligence?
Choose the option that best describes your current employment status.
Rate the level of automation and AI implementation in your industry on a scale of 1 to 10.
Rate the level of automation and AI implementation in your industry, with 1 being minimal implementation and 10 being highly advanced implementation.
How do you perceive the impact of automation and AI on job security in your industry?
Share your thoughts on how automation and AI are affecting job security in your industry.
Do you feel that your job is at risk due to automation and AI?
Select the option that best reflects your perception of job security in relation to automation and AI.
Highly at risk
Moderately at risk
Slightly at risk
Not at risk
How confident are you in the ability of your current job to withstand advancements in automation and AI?
Indicate your level of confidence in the resilience of your job against automation and AI.
Have you received any training or education to adapt to automation and AI in your field?
Choose the option that best describes your experience with training or education related to automation and AI.
Yes, I have received training
No, I have not received training
In your opinion, how can industries mitigate the negative impacts of automation and AI on job security?
Provide your insights on potential strategies that industries can employ to address the challenges arising from automation and AI.
Do you believe that automation and AI will create more job opportunities than they eliminate in the long run?
Select the option that aligns with your view on the net impact of automation and AI on job creation.
Yes, more job opportunities will be created
No, more job opportunities will be eliminated
Not sure
Rate your overall job satisfaction in an industry with automation and AI implementation on a scale of 1 to 10.
Rate your satisfaction level in your current job within an industry adopting automation and AI, with 1 being highly dissatisfied and 10 being highly satisfied.
What measures do you think individuals can take to enhance job security in the era of automation and AI?
Provide suggestions on actions that individuals can take to safeguard their job security amidst increasing automation and AI.
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