Special Needs World Judo Games and Beng van der Eng Memorial, Beverwijk 14 en 15 april

Geachte Heer / Mevrouw,

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Let op: 1 ster is slecht......... 10 sterren is heel erg goed

Alvast bedankt voor uw aandacht en medewerking

Het bestuur van de Special Needs Judo Foundation, namens deze

Henk de Vries

Dear Sir / Madam, We appreciate that you visit this page.

By completing this short survey, you help us to gain a good insight into the organisation and to achieve the best results at our upcoming events.

Note: 1 star is bad....... 10 stars is very good

Thank you for your attention and coöperation

On behalf of The Board of the Special Needs Judo Foundation,

Henk de Vries

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