
Cost of Living in New Zealand Survey

Kia ora, This is Cost of Living Survey for New Zealand Citizens and Residents. This survey was prepared by the People Justice Generation Community Group. The information collected in this survey will be used and collated to put forward a letter of urgent action to the Coalition Government. All information will be collected, held and kept secure in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.

Cost of Living Challenges Survey

Please confirm your age range

Select one answer

Please confirm your geographical group (in region)

Select one answer

Please confirm how many dependents you have in your household

Select one answer

Please confirm your ethnicity

Select one answer

Confirm your Gender

Select one answer

Please select the appropriate household income range that reflects your whanau's situation

Select one answer
Cost of Living Challenges Survey

How much money do you spend on food Each Week?

Select one answer

Have you or your whanau had to go without food to maintain living costs in your household?

Select one answer

Have you experienced price increases in your supermarket within the last 6 months compared to last year?

Select one answer

Do you believe that Supermarkets are unlawfully increasing prices of products?

Select one answer

On average week to week how would you rate the affordability to have enough food on the table for your whanau?

Select one answer
Cost of Living Challenges Survey

How much rent/mortgage do you pay for your current household?

Select one answer

How much do you spend on electricity per month?

Select one answer

Please select the top three highest expenses for (Energy and Housing) for you and your family?

Select one or more answers

How often have you been behind on Utility Bills, Rent, Mortgage or Board? (Due to Struggling with Cost of Living)

Select one answer

Over the Last 6 Months have you found that you are more frequently behind on payments for Utilities and Housing?

Select one answer
Cost of Living Challenges Survey

How much do you spend on transport or petrol per week?

Select one answer

Have you had to sell your car in the last 6 months to be able to pay for other living costs?

Select one answer

If working, Have you had to spend more money on parking than petrol prices all together?

Select one answer

Have your whanau had to go without a car either by walking, public transport etc just to make ends meet?

Select one answer
Cost of Living Challenges Survey

Are you currently in debt?

Select one answer

Are you in debt on the basis of needing to prioritise living costs?

Select one answer

Do you feel that living costs have contributed to your debt balance increasing?

Select one answer
Cost of Living Challenges Survey

How much money are you spending on doctor/medical or medicines?

Select one answer

Have you and your whanau had to sacrifice your health and wellbeing just to maintain costs in your household?

Select one answer

When was the last time you visited a GP?


In the the last 6 months, have you had to risk the health or wellbeing of your whanau by not visiting a doctor because you couldn't afford it?

Select one answer

Please tell us about your experience with costings in Healthcare for you and your whanau and how that equates to the cost of living crisis

Cost of Living Challenges Survey

Tell us what suggestions you have towards the government battling these rising cost of living prices and rates?


Select the Groups of Expense Groups that you and your whanau have had to go without due to rise in living costs?

Select one or more answers

Tell us your story and struggles and how the cost of living has affected you and your whanau