
Feedback Survey for Corporate Event

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


What did you like the most about the event?

Choose one option that best describes what you liked.

Rate the overall experience of the event

Rate the event on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest.

What aspects of the event could be improved for next time?

Please provide your suggestions or areas for improvement in detail.

Which session did you find the most engaging?

Select the session that you found the most interesting or useful.

How likely are you to recommend this event to a colleague or friend?

Select a rating on how likely you would recommend this event to others.

What could have been included to make the event more enjoyable?

Provide suggestions on what could have enhanced the event experience for you.

Did you find the event schedule well-organized?

Share your thoughts on the event's schedule and organization.

Rate the quality of the event venue

Give a rating on the quality of the venue where the event was held.

What types of sessions would you like to see more of in future events?

Share the types of sessions that you would like to see incorporated in future events.

How would you rate the variety of food and beverages offered at the event?

Please rate the diversity and quality of food and beverages provided at the event.