
Weight Reduction Survey for Children in Spas

Dobrý den, věnujte prosím několik minut svého času vyplnění následujícího dotazníku.


Did you want to go to the spa for weight reduction?

Select one option that best describes your situation.

Rate your motivation for weight reduction on a scale of 1 to 10

Rate your motivation from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest).

Do you enjoy being in the spa?

Write your thoughts about your experience in the spa.

How do you feel about the food provided in the spa?

Share your opinion on the meals served at the spa.

Are you satisfied with the physical activities program in the spa?

Provide feedback on the exercise routines and activities.

Which aspect of the spa program did you find most challenging?

Select one option that you found particularly difficult.

Rate your overall experience at the spa on a scale of 1 to 5

Rate your experience from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).

Did you feel supported by the staff members during your stay in the spa?

Provide feedback on the support and assistance you received from the staff.

Were you able to make friends with other children in the spa?

Share your experiences regarding social interactions with other children.

Would you recommend this spa to other children looking to reduce weight?

Answer whether you would suggest this spa to other children in a similar situation.