Teleion AI Survey

AI technologies are becoming a bigger part of our lives both personally and at work. As our clients continue to leverage, develop, and implement these technologies, Teleion is also looking to increase its AI exposure (both inside our company and with our clients). 

Prior to implementing any AI-related strategies at Teleion, we'd like to hear from you with this short (13 question) survey to get a better understanding of the following...

1. Current team member high-level capabilities and experience. 

NOTE: Please answer these questions as honestly as possible. Do not feel bad if you don’t have any (or very little) experience with AI technology…this is a dynamic and evolving space and not everyone has had exposure to these tools and technologies.

2. Level of interest in various modalities (i.e. trainings, client work, hackathons, newsletters, etc)

3. Level of involvement/interest in either shaping strategy or participating in the above activities

Team member-led decision making is a big part of our culture and the information you provide will shape the direction of this there will be more to come... but thanks in advance for your participation.

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