
Vitamin C Consumption Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


Do you consume vitamin C regularly?

Select the option that best fits your consumption habits.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how effective do you think vitamin C is in preventing the common cold?

Rate the effectiveness of vitamin C in preventing the common cold.

How do you usually consume vitamin C? (e.g. fruits, supplements)

Describe your usual method of vitamin C consumption.

How many servings of vitamin C-rich foods do you have in a day?

Provide the number of servings of vitamin C-rich foods consumed daily.

Have you noticed any difference in your health since increasing your vitamin C intake? If yes, please describe.

Share any noticeable changes in health after increasing vitamin C intake.

Do you believe vitamin C can help in treating the common cold?

Select whether you believe in the treatment effectiveness of vitamin C.

How often do you take vitamin C supplements, if at all?

Indicate the frequency of vitamin C supplement intake.

Would you recommend vitamin C as a preventive measure for the common cold?

Share your recommendation based on personal experiences or knowledge.

Do you experience any side effects from consuming vitamin C? If yes, please specify.

Describe any adverse effects experienced from vitamin C consumption.

How well-informed do you feel about the benefits of vitamin C in relation to cold prevention and treatment?

Rate your knowledge level on the benefits of vitamin C for cold prevention and treatment.