
Preference of Teambuilding Survey

Dobrý den, věnujte prosím několik minut svého času vyplnění následujícího dotazníku.


Would you like to participate in the teambuilding activity?

This question assesses the interest of employees in the teambuilding event.

Which date range would suit you best for the teambuilding activity?

This question helps in determining the preferred dates for the teambuilding event.

Are you comfortable with air transportation for the teambuilding activity?

This question determines the employees' comfort level with air transportation for the teambuilding event.

What is your preferred duration of stay for the teambuilding activity?

This question helps in determining the employees' preferred length of stay for the teambuilding event.

Would you like to add any comments or suggestions for the teambuilding activity?

This question allows employees to provide any additional comments or suggestions for the teambuilding event.

What factors would make the teambuilding activity more enjoyable for you?

This question helps in understanding the factors that would enhance the employees' enjoyment of the teambuilding event.