
Post Corporate Event Feedback Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


What did you like the most about the event?

Select the option that best represents what you liked the most.

How would you rate the overall event on a scale of 1 to 10?

Rate the event by assigning a number of stars.

What aspect of the event did you least enjoy?

Briefly describe what you did not like about the event.

Did you find the event schedule well-organized?

Select yes or no based on your experience.

Which session did you find the most beneficial?

Select the session that was most valuable to you.

How likely are you to recommend future corporate events to a colleague or friend?

Rate your likelihood to recommend on a scale of 1 to 10.

What could be done to improve the event for next time?

Provide suggestions on how we can enhance future events.

Were the event objectives clearly communicated?

Select yes or no based on your understanding.

Did you find the event engaging and interactive?

Select yes or no based on your engagement levels.

Would you be interested in participating in future events organized by the company?

Select yes or no based on your interest.