

Hi dear,

We figured that many people feel (somewhat) lonely these days. And we want to create an app that would help nourishing meaningful and deep friendly connections (it's not that much about meeting new people) (romance may happen naturally but is not our main focus). It is an app to easily meet offline with people you like.

Now we need to ask as many people as possible about their troubles, needs and wishes. We would be very thankful if you could answer this small questionnaire (11 questions). The answers will be analyzed anonymously and won't be shared with anyone. However, we would be glad if you decide to send us your contact and maybe one day you could test some prototypes or become one of our first users.

Thank you a lot in advance! 

Lena and Friendship app (provisional title)


What's your age?

Use digits only

What's your gender?

Select one answer

In which city do you live?


For how long have you been living in this city?


What's your general level of satisfaction with your friendships?

Select one answer

Do you consider yourself

Select one or more answers

If there is something to add, please write it here:


Where did your friends come from:

Select one or more answers

If there is something to add, please write it here:


What's your romantic situation?

Select one or more answers

If there is something to add, please write it here:


What troubles your friendships?

Select one or more answers

If there is something to add, please write it here:


If you have some friendship troubles, how do you deal with them now?

Select one or more answers

Please tell us more what do you use / do and how satisfied you are with the results


What could attract you to use a new app that helps nourishing good friendships?

Select one or more answers

If there is something to add, please write it here:


How do you think, how many of your friends and acquaintances could be interested in using an app for developing and nourishing friendships?

Select one or more answers

How important is data privacy for you? For example, on FB quite detailed data about you and everything you do around your smartphone is being sold to whoever wants it. Do you think you could imagine paying a little for a helpful app that would also keep your data private? Like some 3 euros per month (or an equivalent of 1-3 rides on a bus in your country)

Select one or more answers

Generally speaking, if there would be an app that would really help you to have deep and joyful friendships, would you pay for it?

Select one answer

If there is something to add, please write it here:


Thank you so so much for answering our questions! We really appreciate your help! If you want to know how our project develops and maybe even want to participate and would be interested in testing some prototypes from time to time and even become a first user if it comes that far :) – please send us your preferred way of contact. We will only use it for the goals stated above and you can always opt out by sending an email to lena.klabukova@gmail.com. If you know someone(s) who could answer this questionnaire too – please send them this link: shorturl.at/gXUeK. Country, age, social situation do not matter. We want to hear as many people as possible! Thank you once again and we wish you amazing and joyful friendships! Hugs! Lena and Friendship app

Write an e-mail in the correct format