
Employee Feedback Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


How satisfied are you with the company?

Please select the option that best represents your level of satisfaction.

What changes would you appreciate in the company?

Please provide your suggestions for improvements.

How do you evaluate the workload in your role?

Please rate the workload based on the given scale.

Are you receiving adequate support from your manager?

Please select the option that best describes the support you receive from your manager.

How effective are the communication channels within the team?

Please rate the effectiveness of communication channels within your team.

Do you feel valued for your contributions to the company?

Please select the option that reflects how valued you feel for your contributions.

How would you rate the opportunities for career development in the company?

Please rate the opportunities for career development within the company.

Do you feel motivated in your current role?

Please select the option that indicates your level of motivation in your current role.

What additional support or resources would help you improve your work performance?

Please provide your suggestions for additional support or resources that would help improve your work performance.

Overall, how would you rate your job satisfaction?

Please rate your overall job satisfaction based on the given scale.