
RAUMEDIC International Distributor Meeting 2025

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

In June 2022 the first International Distributor Meeting from RAUMEDIC took place in Waischenfeld, Germany. In order to strengthen the professional exchange and to perform periodically international meetings, we would like to ask in advance for the opinion of our partners, to cover all interests and expectations with the conference program.

Therefore we created the following questionnaire with 14 questions in total. The questions can be anwered easily.

Please take some time to answer the questionnaire according to your opinion.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

RAUMEDIC - Questionnaire Distributormeeting 2025

Please enter the name of your company.

Please write here the name of your company:

Please enter your name.

Please write here you name:

Were you invited to the distributor meeting back in 2022?

Please choose one of the answers:

If you were invited to the meeting in 2022, did you attend the meeting?

Please choose one of the answers:

If you did not attend the meeting in 2022, what was the main reason to waive your attendance?

Please choose one of the answers (only the main reason): If you attended at the meeting in 2022, please go ahead with the next question.

If there is a distributor meeting again in 2025, would you come to Germany?

Please choose one of the answers:

How long should the distributor meeting last?

Please choose one of the answers:

If a flat rate personal contribution would be charged for attending the distributor meeting, how high may the amount be (excluding your travel expenses)?

Please choose one of the answers:

How many people from your company would attend at the distributor meeting, if a flat rate personal contribution is charged?

Please choose one answer:

If you were invited for 2025 and you´d need to reject, what would likely be the most relevant reason? Please sort the answers by priority (1 most likely to 6 least likely).

Please sort the answer by priority (1 most likely to 6 least likely) by moving them in your prefered order.

What is the "Others", if you reject the distributor meeting in 2025?

Please continue to specify your answer (Others - please specify):

What supporting / social program is interesting for you?

Select one or more answers:

What kind of professional topics / products are interesting and should be discussed in detail?

Please write down here:

Other comments or ideas you want to share?

Please write down here: