
Pollution in the Environment

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire. Thank you.

Active Citizenship - Pollution In The Seas

How concerned are you about pollution in the enviroment?

Please select the option that best represents your level of concern.

What do you think is the worst form of pollution?

Select one or more answers

Do you know about the charity #Teamseas?

Select one answer

#Teamseas is a charity were every single dollar donated to #TeamSeas will go to independently verified pounds of trash that have been removed from beaches, rivers or the ocean. When you donate, the funds go directly to the two not-for-profit organizations, Ocean Conservancy and The Ocean Cleanup.


Rate the severity of pollution in the seas around your area on a scale from 1 to 10.

Please rate the severity of pollution in the seas, with 1 being least severe and 10 being most severe.

In your opinion, what are the primary sources of pollution in the seas?

Please provide your opinion on the main sources of pollution in the seas.

Do you think stricter regulations are needed to address pollution in the seas?

Please select 'Yes' or 'No' based on your opinion.

Have you personally witnessed pollution in the seas? How did this make you feel?

Please indicate whether you have personally seen pollution in the seas and how this made you feel.

What do you think are the impacts of pollution in the seas on marine life?


What do you think are the impacts of pollution in the seas on human life?


What actions do you think individuals can take to reduce pollution in the seas?

Please provide your thoughts on actions that individuals can take to mitigate pollution in the seas.

Do you believe awareness plays a key role in combating pollution in the seas?

Please select 'Yes' or 'No' based on your opinion.

How many pieces of plastic do you think there are in the sea?

Select one or more answers

The answer is: Over 5 Trillion


How would you rate the current efforts to address pollution in the seas in your local area?

Please provide a rating based on your perception of the current efforts.

Do you think your local council's current efforts to address pollution in the seas is enough?

Select one answer

Would you be interested in supporting us and our mission to reduce pollution in the seas?

Select one answer