
Survey about English language learning

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


Rate the effectiveness of storytelling as a solution for learning English tenses (out of 10)

Rate the effectiveness of the proposed solution of storytelling in a book for learning English language tenses.

How difficult do you find it to memorize English language tenses?

This question aims to understand the level of difficulty in memorizing English language tenses.

Share your thoughts on the proposed solution of storytelling in a book

Please provide your feedback and thoughts on using storytelling in a book to aid in learning English language tenses.

Do you prefer interactive activities or traditional methods for learning English tenses?

Choose between interactive activities and traditional methods for learning English language tenses.

How often do you practice English language tenses outside the classroom?

Indicate the frequency of practicing English language tenses outside the classroom environment.

What challenges do you face when learning English tenses?

Share the difficulties or challenges you encounter when studying English language tenses.

Rate your overall confidence in using English tenses correctly (out of 10)

Rate your confidence level in using English language tenses accurately.

Which tense do you find the most challenging in English grammar?

Identify the specific English tense that you find most challenging to grasp.

Would you be interested in attending storytelling sessions focused on English language tenses?

Express your interest in participating in storytelling sessions tailored for learning English language tenses.

How do you feel after reading a story related to English tenses compared to traditional grammar exercises?

Share your feelings and impressions after reading a story versus engaging in traditional grammar exercises for English tenses.