
Choosing Social Media Channels for New Fashion Brand

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


Which social media channels do you currently use for fashion-related content?

Select all that apply

Which social media channels do you currently use for fashion-related content?

Select all that apply

On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is visual content for your fashion consumption?

Rate the importance with 1 being least important and 10 being highly important

What features do you look for in a fashion brand's social media posts?

Provide a brief description

Which social media platform do you believe is best for engaging with fashion influencers?

Choose the platform where you think influencer collaborations are most effective

How often do you engage with fashion-related content on social media?

Choose the frequency that best describes your engagement

Would you prefer seeing behind-the-scenes content or polished photos/videos from a fashion brand?

Select your preference

How likely are you to follow a new fashion brand on social media?

Indicate your likelihood to follow based on the brand's content and online presence

What motivates you to interact with fashion brands on social media?

Provide reasons for your engagement

Do you prefer shopping directly through social media platforms or visiting the brand's website?

Choose your preferred method of shopping

How important is social responsibility and sustainability practices for you when choosing to support a fashion brand?

Rate the importance with 1 being least important and 10 being highly important