
Motorcycle Insurance Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


Do you currently have motorcycle insurance?

Single choice question to understand if the respondent currently has motorcycle insurance.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is having motorcycle insurance for you?

Star rating question to assess the importance of motorcycle insurance for the respondent.

What is your biggest fear as a motorcycle owner?

Text answer question to gather open-ended information about the respondent's biggest fear.

What factors influence your decision to purchase motorcycle insurance?

Single choice question to understand the factors affecting the decision to purchase motorcycle insurance.

Are you satisfied with the current motorcycle insurance options available in the market?

Single choice question to assess the satisfaction level with existing motorcycle insurance options.

Have you ever had to make a motorcycle insurance claim?

Single choice question to understand if the respondent has made a motorcycle insurance claim in the past.

What improvements would you like to see in motorcycle insurance offerings?

Text answer question to gather feedback on desired improvements in motorcycle insurance offerings.

How do you think the perception of motorcycle insurance can be improved?

Text answer question to gather suggestions on enhancing the perception of motorcycle insurance.

Would you recommend motorcycle insurance to other riders?

Single choice question to gauge the likelihood of recommending motorcycle insurance to others.

What do you think would be a reasonable price to pay for motorcycle insurance today?

Text answer question to gather respondent's opinion on a reasonable price for motorcycle insurance.