Improved Communication

Dear QTC Team,

We are exited to announce the launch of a survey aimed at gathering your valuable insights and feedback regarding the implementation of our new intranet platform and efforts to enhance internal communication within QTC.

At QTC Recruitment, we recognize the importance of effective communication in fostering collaboration, transparency and productivity among our team members. As a part of our ongoing commitment to improving our internal processes, we have embarked on a journey to introduce a comprehensive intranet system that will serve as a centralized hub for information sharing, collaboration and engagement.

Your input is crucial in ensuring that the intranet platform aligns with the needs and preferences of our diverse workforce. This survey provides you with an opportunity to share your thoughts, suggestions and concerns regarding the implementation process, features of the intranet, and any challenges or barriers you may foresee.


By participating in this survey, you are actively contributing to the success of this initiative and helping us create a more connected and efficient work environment for everyone at QTC Recruitment.


The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous.


Thank you in advance for your participation and valuable feedback.

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