
Metaverse and Education Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


Have you heard of the concept of Metaverse before?

Please select Yes or No.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely do you think Metaverse will impact the future of education?

Please rate from 1 to 10 (1 being least likely and 10 being most likely).

In what ways do you think Metaverse can enhance the educational experience?

Please provide your thoughts and perspectives.

Do you believe Metaverse can make learning more interactive and engaging?

Please select Yes or No.

Would you be interested in attending virtual classes in a Metaverse environment?

Please select Yes or No.

How important do you think it is for educational institutions to adopt Metaverse technologies?

Please provide your opinion on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not important and 5 being very important).

What concerns, if any, do you have about integrating Metaverse into education?

Please share any potential reservations or challenges you foresee.

Have you ever participated in any educational activities conducted in a virtual environment?

Please select Yes or No.

Do you think Metaverse can provide more personalized learning experiences compared to traditional methods?

Please select Yes or No.

How likely are you to recommend Metaverse-based educational programs to others?

Please rate from 1 to 10 (1 being least likely and 10 being most likely).