
"Employer-Employee Legal Relationship Survey"

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.

"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"

Demographic Information Age:

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"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"


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"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"

Highest Level of Education Completed:

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"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"

Current Employment Status:

Select one or more answers
"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"
"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"
"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"

Legal Awareness and Understanding Are you familiar with the legal rights and protections available to gig workers in your country?

Select one or more answers
"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"
"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"

Have you ever faced any legal challenges or disputes related to your work as a gig worker?

Select one or more answers
"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"
"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"
"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"

Employment Arrangements and Contracts Do you have written contracts or agreements with the platforms or companies you work for?

Select one or more answers
"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"

How would you rate the clarity of the terms and conditions outlined in your gig work contracts?

Select one or more answers

Have you experienced any discrepancies between the terms of your contract and the actual working conditions or pay?

Select one or more answers

Working Conditions and Benefits Are you provided with any benefits or protections by the platforms or companies you work for? (e.g., insurance, sick leave)

Select one or more answers

How satisfied are you with the level of benefits and protections provided by the platforms or companies you work for?

Select one or more answers

Legal Support and Representation Do you feel adequately supported in addressing legal issues or disputes that arise in your gig work?

Select one or more answers

Please describe any challenges or difficulties you have faced in understanding or navigating the legal aspects of your work as a gig worker.


In your opinion, what improvements could be made to enhance the legal protections and rights of gig workers?

"Exploring Legal Relationships Between Employers and Employees"