
Money Spent by Friends Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


How much money did your friend spend on travelling in a month?

Select the range that best represents the amount of money spent on travelling.

Rate the overall satisfaction level of your friend with the movies they watched in a month?

Rate the satisfaction level on a scale of 1 to 10.

What is the approximate amount of money spent by your friend on recharging their mobile in a month?

Please provide an approximate amount in dollars ($).

How frequently does your friend go out for dining in a month?

Select the frequency that best represents how often your friend goes out for dining in a month.

Rate the value for money of the shopping expenses of your friend in a month?

Rate the value for money on a scale of 1 to 10.

In which category does your friend spend the most money in a month?

Specify the category in which your friend spends the most money in a month.

How much money did your friend spend on online subscriptions in a month?

Estimate the amount of money spent on online subscriptions in a month in dollars ($).

How satisfied is your friend with the overall expenses they incurred in a month?

Rate the satisfaction level on a scale of 1 to 10.

Which activity is considered the most cost-effective by your friend in a month?

Select the activity that your friend considers the most cost-effective in terms of money spent.

What is the approximate total amount spent by your friend on leisure activities in a month?

Please provide the approximate total amount in dollars ($).