Title of project: Investigating Dental Trauma Knowledge and Practices Among Dentists: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

dear Sir/Madam, 

I am Claire Vandewalle and for my thesis I am doing a research on dentists' knowledge of dental trauma. Please give me a few minutes of your time by filling in this questionnaire. Thank you in advance! 

Important Information for Study Participants:


As a participant in this study, your involvement is voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw at any time, for any reason, without facing any consequences. Your decision to participate or withdraw will not affect your relationship with the researchers or any other parties involved. Your voluntary participation is valued and appreciated, and your comfort and well-being are our top priorities throughout the study process.

The informed consent form you'll be asked to sign serves a crucial purpose. It ensures that you fully understand all aspects of the study before deciding to take part. "Informed consent" means that you'll receive clear and comprehensive information about the study, including its purpose, procedures, potential risks and benefits, confidentiality measures, and your rights as a participant. By signing the consent form, you indicate that you've received this information, understand it, and agree to participate voluntarily.


There are no conflicts of interest associated with this study. Our sole objective is to gather valuable insights to advance understanding in the field of dentistry. Your participation is integral to achieving this goal, and we are committed to conducting the study with integrity and transparency. If you have any concerns or questions regarding potential conflicts of interest, please don't hesitate to reach out for clarification. 

If you have any further questions about the study, please feel free to contact the investigator, Claire Vandewalle, via email. (Claire.vandewalle@mail.ucv.es) Thank you for considering participation in this study.

By clicking 'start survey now' you are agreeing that:

-               You are a dentist

-               You have read the information presented above

-               You are aware that you can contact the researcher at any time in case of questions about the study

-               You acknowledge that this is a research study

-               You are aware that this research is not financially supported

-               Your decision to participate is voluntary

-               You are aware that you have the option to withdraw your consent and participation in the study at any time

-               You commit to responding truthfully

-               You agree to participate in this study and submit your data for analysis

Thank you for your participation!

Kind regards, 

Claire Vandewalle 

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