Dear parents of gifted, talented, highly able children and teens,
Please consider participating in a brief survey about your experience as a parent of a gifted child.
Dr. Gail Post and Dr. Kali Fedor are conducting research related to the worries and concerns of parents raising gifted and/or twice-exceptional children ages 6-18.
There is very little research currently on the lived experience of parenting a gifted child. This knowledge has the potential to inform and enhance educational programming in schools and support initiatives for parents, such as specialized programs or parent support groups. By participating, individuals help shape future practices and interventions that could better address the needs of gifted and twice-exceptional students, ultimately fostering more supportive educational environments.
Please note that all information obtained from this survey will remain anonymous and confidential. The survey should take approximately ten minutes to complete.
This is an extension of a previous survey Dr. Post shared a few years ago. If you previously completed the survey, THANK YOU! Your participation is complete and there is no need for you to complete an additional survey.
If you are willing to participate, are the parent/guardian of a gifted child age 6-18, and have not previously completed this survey, please review the Informed Consent statement BEFORE you start the survey.
Thank you so much for your time and help!
Informed Consent
You are invited to participate in this research study because you were identified as a person who may have a child who is gifted and/or twice-exceptional. The following information is provided to help you to make an informed decision whether to participate. Below you will be asked if you “understand and agree” to participate in the study as a survey participant, by clicking on "Start Survey Now". If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the researchers at the email addresses provided below.
Purpose and Benefits of this Study:
The following information is provided to help you make an informed decision on whether to participate.
Please consider participating in a brief survey about your experience as a parent of a gifted child. There is very little research currently on the lived experience of parenting a gifted child. This knowledge has the potential to inform and enhance educational programming in schools and support initiatives for parents, such as specialized programs or parent support groups. By participating, individuals help shape future practices and interventions that could better address the needs of gifted and twice-exceptional students, ultimately fostering more supportive educational environments. Please note that all information obtained from this survey will remain anonymous and confidential. The survey should take approximately ten minutes to complete. By completing this survey, you are granting authorization for the use of your responses in research related to giftedness. While this survey should not cause any harm, if you experience any level of distress related to questions in the survey, please feel free to contact us.
Your Involvement in this Study:
If you choose to participate, you will indicate your consent on this page of the online survey below by clicking "Start Survey Now". Agreement to participate will require approximately 10-20 minutes of your time to complete the survey.
Potential Risks:
While no significant physical, social, legal, or economic risks are anticipated from participation, there may be minimal psychological risks. Reflecting on concerns about their child’s psychosocial, social-emotional, motivational, and academic functioning could evoke feelings of stress or anxiety for some participants.
To mitigate these potential risks, participants will be informed of these possibilities during the consent process and will be provided with mental health resources, including contact information for counseling services and support organizations. This information will also be available at the end of the survey as part of the debriefing process. Participants will be reminded that their participation is voluntary, and they may choose to withdraw at any time if they feel uncomfortable. To access resources, click here or email the researchers at the email addresses provided below.
Your Participation in this Study is Voluntary:
Your participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous. It is your choice to participate or not. You can withdraw your voluntary participation at any time by closing your internet browser/window. No identifiable information is being collected. If you choose to participate, all the information provided in the survey will be kept confidential. No responses can be traced back to you. Your responses will be used as aggregate data, to be compared with other participants. The collected data will only be used for academic purposes and may appear in published academic journals or presented during education conferences.
If you are willing to participate in this study, please click on "Start Survey Now" below. By doing so you are indicating: “I Understand and Agree to participate in this study. I understand that my responses are completely anonymous and that I have the right to withdraw at any time before I submit the survey."
If you are not willing to participate, thank you for your time and you may now exit the survey and close your browser.
Researcher Contact Information
Dr. Gail Post
Licensed Psychologist
Dr. Kali Fedor
Assistant Professor
Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania
Department of Early Childhood Education & Exceptionality Programs
This project has been approved by the Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects.
Whom to Contact about your Rights as a Research Participant in the Study:
Dr. Ashley Lesniak CU-IRB Chair Bloomsburg University
400 East 2nd Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Phone: 570-389-4322
Some resources for mental health and gifted support can be found here: