Guest Snack Behaviour and Demand

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Esmee van Dam and I am a third-year Hotel and Eventmanagement student at Tio University in Amsterdam.

Currently, I am executing my management internship at the Leonardo Royal Hotel Den Haag Promenade in the Netherlands. I am doing a research about guest snack behaviour in a hotel and the demand for packaged snacks and drinks to take-away or bring to your hotel room. I want to find out whether solutions like a vending machine or a mini store inside the hotel would satisfy hotel guests. 

Please read the following case carefully, it will help you to better understand this questionnaire.

Imagine staying at a hotel, which offers a restaurant and a bar. At this bar and restaurant you can order lunch dishes, dinner dishes and bites to consume in the restaurant. In the area around the hotel, there is no local supermarket or other opportunity to buy packaged snacks or drinks. However, you feel the desire to quickly buy a snack or drink to take-away or to consume in your hotel room.

Examples of snacks and drinks are:

- packaged snacks: chips, candy, chocolate bars, cookies, nuts

- drinks: a bottle / can of water, fanta, coca cola, ice tea or juice 

The survey will take between 5 to 10 minutes and is anonymous. 

Thank you in advance for helping me by filling in this survey!

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