
Equestrian industry in the US

Dear Respondent,

Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. It will take just a few minutes of your time. This survey is part of a study on the equestrian industry in the United States. Insights from respondents like you will help us to increase brand awareness in the United States.

Kind regards,

The MyRidingBoots Team

Equestrian industry in the USA

What's your gender?

Select one answer

What's your age?

Select one answer

Do you live in the US?

Select one or more answers

If you answered "yes" to the previous question, in which state do you live?

Select one answer
Equestrian industry in the USA

What equestrian discipline do you practice?

Select one or more answers

Do you often participate in competitions?

Select one or more answers

Are you a professional equestrian?

Select one answer
Equestrian industry in the USA

Which social media platforms do you use the most?

Select one or more answers

What kind of accounts do you follow the most on these platforms?

Select one or more answers

Which specific accounts do you find the most inspiring?

For example an equestrian influencer you like

Where do you get the most inspiration from to buy a product?

Select one or more answers
Equestrian industry in the USA

Where do you search for information about a product?

Select one or more answers

Which platforms do you value most for a product review?

Select one or more answers
Equestrian industry in the USA

Which equestrian shops do you think are the best known in the US?


Which of the following factors are most important to you when you decide to purchase a product?

Drag and drop to change the order

Through which channels have you discovered new brands or products in the past 6 months?

Select one or more answers

Which equestrian magazine from the US is your favourite and why?

Equestrian industry in the USA

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this research! To show our gratitude, you will receive a discount code for $20 off an item of your choice. Please enter your email below, and we will send you the discount voucher as soon as possible once you've submitted the survey!


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