Intake Questioninare

Welcome to Your Intake Assessment

Dear Client,

Welcome, and thank you for taking this courageous step towards your wellbeing. The journey of therapy is a personal and transformative experience, tailored to meet your unique needs and aspirations. This intake assessment is the starting point of our journey together. It is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of your background, current challenges, and goals for therapy. Your responses will guide us in creating a personalized treatment plan that respects your individual experiences and objectives.

What to Expect:

Confidentiality: Your privacy is our utmost priority. All information shared during this process is confidential, with a few legally mandated exceptions, which are outlined in our confidentiality statement.

Comprehensive Questions: The questionnaire covers various aspects of your life, including health, emotional wellbeing, relationships, and personal history. Please answer as openly and honestly as you can.

Collaborative Approach: This assessment is not just about gathering information; it's also an opportunity for us to begin building a trusting and collaborative relationship. Feel free to share any concerns or questions you might have at any point.

Next Steps:

Upon completion of this intake assessment, we will schedule our first session to discuss your responses, clarify any points, and outline our next steps together. This is also a chance for you to ask questions and express any preferences or concerns about the therapy process.

Remember, this is your journey, and you're not alone on this path. Together, we'll work towards understanding your experiences, identifying your strengths, and developing strategies to achieve the growth and changes you seek.

Thank you for your trust and openness.

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