
Social Media and Health Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


How do social media affect the physical health of users?

Select the option that best represents your experience.

How do social media affect the mental health of users?

Rate the impact on a scale from 1 to 10.

What factors contribute to the positive effects of social media on health?

Provide your response in the text box below.

What factors contribute to the negative effects of social media on health?

Provide your response in the text box below.

Do you think social media usage significantly affects the mental health of users?

Select the option that aligns with your opinion.

Do you believe that time spent on social media impacts your overall health?

Select the option that best describes your belief.

Have you experienced any physical health issues due to social media usage?

Please provide details if applicable.

Have you noticed any improvement in your mental health because of social media?

Share your experience in the box below.

How often do you consciously take breaks from social media for your well-being?

Select the frequency that applies to you.

Do you feel pressured to present a 'perfect' image on social media for validation?

Choose the option that resonates with you.