
Customer Satisfaction Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


What do you appreciate about our service/product?

Please select the option that best represents your opinion.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how bothersome are the issues you face with our service/product?

Please rate the bother level, 1 being not bothersome at all and 10 being extremely bothersome.

What would you like us to improve about our service/product?

Please describe in detail what improvements you would like to see.

How likely are you to recommend our service/product to others?

Please select the option that best describes your likelihood to recommend.

Have you faced any technical issues with our service/product?

Please provide details if you have encountered any technical problems.

How often do you use our service/product?

Please select the frequency of usage that best represents your usage pattern.

Are you satisfied with the response time of our customer service team?

Please share your satisfaction level with the speed of our customer service response.

Which aspect of our service/product do you find most valuable?

Please select the aspect that you find most valuable in our service/product.

Would you like to see new features added to our service/product?

Please indicate if you would like us to introduce new features.

Overall, how satisfied are you with our service/product?

Please rate your overall satisfaction level with our service/product.